Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Anxiety And Depression Among Cancer And Non Cancer...

ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION AMONG CANCER AND NON CANCER PATIENTS Aijaz Ahmad Bhuroo1, Showket Ahmad Wani1, Mohammad Amin Wani2 1Ph.D Research Scholar Barkatullah University Bhopal 2Ph.D Research Scholar Annamalai University Tamil Nadu ABSTRACT Background: Cancer is one among the life threatening diseases in present days it has biological, psychological and sociological impact on individual’s life. People living with this deadly disease have numerous psychological abnormalities like stress, depression and anxiety. The present study aimed to investigate the levels of anxiety and depression among cancer and non cancer patients. Methods: 80 patients were randomly selected among them 40 were cancer patients and 40 were non cancer patients. The Sinha’s Anxiety scale and Depression scale constructed by Karim Tiwari was used to measure the anxiety and Depression among patients. For statistical analysis independent sample t-Test was applied. Findings: The results show significant differences between the mean scores of cancer and non cancer patients in respect to anxiety and depression. Conclusion: On the basis of our results we may concluded that cancer patients have higher levels of anxiety and depression than non c ancerous patients. Key Words: Cancer, Anxiety, Depression, Delirium, Chemotherapy BACKGROUND Cancer is a disease of an uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells in the body, which produces tumours known as neoplasms. It is the second most leading cause of deathShow MoreRelatedThe Body s Cell Regeneration System Breakdown1344 Words   |  6 PagesCancer is an abnormal growth of body cells, which can starts anywhere in the body. When the cancer develops, the body’s cell regeneration system breakdown. The cells become more abnormal and form the tumor. 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